I've personally tested the following configurations to be working properly as of 05/11/2006, using the m68k CVS kernel sources+20060511 patch, and the 20060511 bootloader:
3/50 | Serial, Ethernet, SCSI |
3/60 | Serial, Ethernet, SCSI |
3/80 | Serial, Ethernet, SCSI |
The following systems should also work, but have not been tested recently (sorry, my 3/1xx and 3/2xx are on the fritz):
3/1xx (excl. 3/110) | Serial, On-board Ethernet, Sun3 VME SCSI |
3/2xx | Serial, On-board Ethernet, Sun3 VME SCSI |
Other systems may also function, ymmv.
The VME scsi driver appear to have problems when more than one scsi device is attached to the controller. :(
The Sun3 kernel tree is not currently synchronized with the m68k CVS repository. To compile a working kernel, you will need:
2.6.16 m68k CVS sources | Consult the m68k CVS site for information on checking out the source. |
2.6.16 (20060511) sun3/3x patch | (available here) |
I've personally tested the following configurations to be working properly as of 04/29/2004, using the m68k CVS kernel sources+20040429 patch, and the 20031221 bootloader:
3/60 | Serial, Ethernet, SCSI, CGthree graphics, keyboard, mouse |
3/80 | Serial, Ethernet, SCSI |
The following systems should also work, but have not been tested recently (sorry, my 3/50 and 3/2xx are on the fritz):
3/50 | Serial, Ethernet, SCSI |
3/1xx (excl. 3/110) | Serial, On-board Ethernet, Sun3 VME SCSI |
3/2xx | Serial, On-board Ethernet, Sun3 VME SCSI |
Other systems may also function, ymmv.
The VME scsi driver appear to have problems when more than one scsi device is attached to the controller. :(
The Sun3 kernel tree is not currently synchronized with the m68k CVS repository. To compile a working kernel, you will need:
2.6.5 m68k CVS sources | Consult the m68k CVS site for information on checking out the source. |
2.6.5 (20040429) sun3/3x patch | (available here) |
Network bootloader (booting from disk is still a bit preliminary...)
There is currently an ongoing effort to rebuild Debian/m68k packages to run on both Sun3 and standard m68k. Packages are available here
Base root filesystem -- This can be untarred to a directory exported as an NFS root filesystem, or can be placed onto a disk partition. This filesystem is roughly equivalent to a Debian base install. This would be the a good starting point for adding more of the packages above.
Other/various sun3 stuffs can be found at here.
http://merman.tal.org/sun3/ -- Another sun3/linux user's description of getting linux running on his sun3
http://www.ee.oulu.fi/~pp/sun3/ -- Old (obsolete) linux/sun3 home page